All about impact

By Teamspirit on Monday, 26 February 2018

In our latest trends mini-series, we’re investigating the power of creativity to help brands succeed.

Noise and distraction. It’s the nature of the world we now live in. Busy, shouty and chock-full of ads, content, headlines, voices and design. Apparently we’re exposed to 4,000 – 10,000 ads every day, including impressions on social media. We’re also switching between screens up to 21 times an hour, and Microsoft claims that the average person’s attention span is now just eight seconds.

How are brands going to project themselves through the noise and distraction? And meet ever-increasing expectations? From amazing drone footage, to the stunning visuals of Blue Planet 2, and the spectacle of events such as Tomorrowland and Burning Man, everyone can tell quality from cheap and boring, when it comes to visual experiences. People are super-savvy when it comes to good ideas. They expect a lot.

The answer is real creative impact. Financial brands will accelerate their learning in how to entertain, enlighten, simplify – chivvied on by the fintech front guard, who are already deploying impactful look, feel and language. Established main players are likely to catch up quickly. Suddenly colour will become bold and bright. Pattern and animation will become standard. Bigger copy (not shouting but rather interacting with visuals) is to be expected. What it’s not about is being brave. This isn’t bravery, it’s necessity.

2018 will be about creating real creative impact… reason and action will follow.

Implications for financial service brands:

  • More brands will break out of the misapprehension that they have to be serious, and will recognise personality is a welcome differentiator.

  • Brands will have to focus on design, and some major players will start to pull away in terms of visual impact.

  • Marketeers will have to be more mindful of a consistent image and personality.

This blog is taken from our whitepaper on trends in financial services, marketing, PR and tech, ‘2018 and beyond’.

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