Are great brands born… or created?

By Kirsty Maxey on Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Most brands aspire to be thought leaders. Demonstrating your company is expert, ahead of the pack, one to follow. And influencing perceptions, share of voice and sales. Ideally with a proposition that perpetuates your position over time. Even in challenging times as we find ourselves now.

At Teamspirit that’s one of the many things we help our clients achieve. For Janus Henderson Investors, for example, we developed The Global Dividend Index, a brand property that delivers front page coverage in the FT, Handelsblatt and broadcast media internationally. The French president even quoted it in a speech. Or the award-winning ‘Buy to Let Britain’ which transformed perceptions of Kent Reliance as a leader in specialist mortgages.


For Link Asset Services, we created Profit Watch UK, a brand property which provides a unique analysis of profit trends across all companies in the FTSE 250. You can see the latest report in the award-winning series here. Along with other ways we’ve brought the brand - and data - to life.

Profit watch report blog

Creating a brand content property demands a combination of specialist knowledge and skills. Our planning team is skilled in identifying gaps in the media. Our analysts employ proprietary modelling techniques designed to transform Big Data into narratives that are both easy-to- understand – and the media wants to cover.

Our technical writers, designers and film team then take these data-rich stories and bring them to life in reports, social assets, infographics and a hundred other formats. Before ‘deploying’ our media relations experts - and communications planners - to leverage the relationships we have with the trade and consumer media. And measuring impact, ROI and effectiveness.

We can do this for you, as we do for many clients, irrespective of your financial sector – or size. Just tell us your ambition.

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