CX + UX = Total Experience

By Teamspirit on Tuesday, 7 May 2019

2019 is going to be the year when brands turn to experience designers to combine the power of CX, UX and marketing automation, to deliver distinct and valued brand experiences in the round.

How consumers are informed, engaged and buy has changed radically over the past few years, and continues to be shaped in particular by their online retail experiences. Research shows that 2019 marketing budgets are flowing towards marketing tech, including both programmatic and automated communication capabilities, as well as user experience design. For marketers, this is a desire for brands to offer an enhanced and distinct customer experience.

While all these seemingly individual disciplines need to be seen in the round and not as silos, brands need to define where they can create differentiation and add distinctive value for their target audiences.

In terms of CX design, until recently experience thinking has concentred on integrating internal silo disciplines, uniting demand generation with sales and loyalty marketing around the customer, to create a seamless path to purchase and effortless experiences that generated repurchases. The problem is that every brand is trying to do the same thing.

In 2019, brands will need to make choices. Brand owners need to decide which parts of the brand experience adds real value to the customer – from next product selection to usage suggestions and robo advice – and then excel at them. Creating a Total Experience, has to be based on differentiated value.


• UX can no longer be defined in isolation from the wider total CX experience.

• Unite the silos behind sales and marketing, to create a holistic brand experience.

• Identify or create experience points that your customers find most valuable, and excel at them.

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