Why Financial Services Needs A New Kind Of Marketing

By Teamspirit on Wednesday, 5 September 2018

This Tuesday we welcomed authors Anthony Thomson and Lucian Camp to our sister agency CSM, as we celebrated the launch of their new book.

In No Small Change: Why Financial Services Needs A New Kind Of Marketing, the two experienced marketers set out their view on the state of the industry, and challenge financial services to do better.

In a fascinating hour-long discussion, the pair traded anecdotes and shared their real-world experiences, while making the case for consumer-centricity in everything we do.

Afterwards, the panel took questions from the floor, moderated by our very own Jo Parker, with subjects ranging from the impact of OpenBanking to whether FMCG had outpaced financial services in the innovation stakes.

Book launch image

It was an inspiring and eye-opening evening, and we’d like to thank Anthony and Lucian for joining us. Make sure to look out for more events in our Festival of Finance over the coming months, and we hope to see you there.

Tuesday 11th, 8:30am-noon - Design for People: Debate and Immersive Event at Teamspirit, Holborn Gate

Tuesday 18th, 8:30-11:30am - Fintechs and the Business Banking Revolution at Janus Henderson, 201 Bishopsgate

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