Cache me if you can
Richard Germain, Creative Director, likes to spend lunchtimes indulging in his guilty pleasure – geocaching. He introduces us to this secret world of nanos, swag and trackables.
By Richard Germain on Thursday, 13 June 2024
Wherever you are in the UK (or indeed the world), you’re probably not that far from one of the 3 million+ geocaches hidden and waiting to be found by those in the know. A ‘cache’ may be a tiny magnetic ‘nano’ stuck inside a drainpipe or up a lamppost. It may be camouflaged as a toadstool or a bit of bark. It could involve solving a puzzle or finding a piece of local information. It could even contain a small gift (swag) or a special trackable keyring that wants to travel the world.
You discover these caches using a phone app and GPS. But even when your phone vibrates to signal you’re close, they can be incredibly difficult to spot. Geocaching is basically treasure-hunting for grown-ups (although my kids have helped me find quite a few – they’re particularly useful for squeezing into small spaces or under low benches!).
And I find it an ideal way to get out of the agency at lunchtime. To reset my brain, get a few steps in and visit somewhere new in the area. It’s the perfect mix of curiosity, observation, exploration and fresh air. All things we love at Teamspirit.
So have a listen to my podcast. You never know, you may want to become a geocacher yourself. And make sure to check out the other episodes of the Teamspiriters podcast series.