New York, New Opportunities

By Teamspirit on Wednesday, 3 July 2024

In July 2023, the doors to Teamspirit Inc in New York were officially flung open. It was a momentous occasion for all of us, but none more so than Sophie Klein. After working her socks off at Teamspirit for seven years, there came an opportunity she couldn’t refuse, and Sophie jetted off to become Business Director of our newly formed US office.

Waving her off with tears in our eyes, it was soon clear she was made for the role and settled into her new life in the city. Over the last 12 months, while there have been celebrations and challenges, Sophie has taken it all in her stride. And now she’s here to tell us about her experience and what she’s excited for in the future. Whatever it is, we’ve no doubt she’ll do a fabulous job and we’re thrilled to have someone so passionate and driven at the helm. Take it away, Sophie

And if you’d like to hear more from the Teamspiriters, check out some of our previous episodes.

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